The obligatory blog about blogging
Someone (I think it was Stephen Fry, or possibly Stephen King, maybe Stephen Hawking,well its not really important who it was , but I'm pretty sure it was a Stephen), once wrote that every writer of articles ,is allowed write one piece and one piece only about the act of writing articles themselves, preferably to be used on a slow boring day , with very little of interest happening.
Hangover optional.
By the same logic I reckon every blogger is allowed write one piece about blogging itself..
(i.e. slow day, hangover, can't think of a damn thing to write about bar obscure C64 games and no one deserves that.. )
I have to admit I'm really enjoying being able to write here.
Ok so techically "retro..." isnt a true weblog in the traditional sense.
I.e. Its not really an internet based diary , as:
a Most of what I do in my life revolves around my girlfriend , whom I love dearly.While I dont give a toss who knows my innermost thoughts and workings etc, I wouldnt want to attack her privacy by posting what we do , so while I really enjoy blogs like things my girlfriend and I have argued about
, I couldnt ever do anything similar..
b I like where I work , and because of this ,dont really want to get fired,as they probably wouldnt approve of me documenting my work day here (also its fairly boring) so anything I do in work is offlimits as well...
c bar my drunken mates (who will make an appearance here at some point, along with the now legendary "Jason Robards drinking game") I write about everything else in my life ...which is old cult movies, old videogames and er..old tv.......maybe I need to get a pet.
Damn I'm depressed now
Another thing I've noticed is that you loose a >tiny< href="">blogs, when you have one of your own. Not much , but you stop being a reader, and start trying to pick them apart to compare them with your own stuff.
You find yourself looking at the structure and the style of the them and think to yourself ""Shit! mine have neither!! ,this a lot better than I'd ever manage"
There are quite a few really good writers on the boards ,(when its up that is {sly dig}) where most of the bloggers here come from ,possibly because day in day out you spend your time trying to , well basically trying to have a conversation with a lot of fairly intelligent people ,only instead of using your mouth you're using your keyboard.
Look ,put it this way ,I found myself reading "Red devils advocate" ,and me a dyed in the wool Everton loving ABU!! , that gives you an idea of how enjoyable and damn good the other blogs here
Anyways looks like the boards are back up, so I'll wrap this up and head back over there...
Only thing is , now I've used up my "get out of jail free" card , what do I do the next time I'm stuck for something to write about....??:)
[dr_bob starts getting his nostalgic list of top ten Atari games ready]
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