summat for nowt
summat for nowt
A quicky from me today ,thought I'd mention a few games for the descerning gamer on a tight budget , ok , well no budget as, they're free:
Online shootyness
About 3 years ago , ID software released a remake of the classic shooty game
wolfenstien 3d.It featured enough world war II, undead nazi sorcerer action to keep gamers happy, but the online play was a bit lacking.So a counter strike stylee add on was commissioned.Only for some bizzare reasoning that probabably made sense to someone , it was turned into a standalone game.(i.e you didnt need to already have Wolfenstein to make it work).
And then for some even more arcane reason it was released free on the net.`
Which is bad for them , but good for us gamers, Download it here
Huuuge across the water , but ignored over here , tribes was released a few years back. It possibly didnt do so well in this part of the world as broadband hadnt had the kind of coverage in Europe it does now, and tribes large battlefields and even larger teams dont really cut it on dialup.A mazingly considering it was released around the time of Half-life, Tribes was doing things like large outdoor arenas, proper team based play,and most importantly vehicles.Yup years before the likes of Battlefield and its ilk, you could drive or fly your way to an enemy base.Oh and you did a lot of flying , as rocketpacks mean you spend a lot of time in the air.Anyway Sierra released it as a download a few months back, so here it is:
Offline shootyness
meant to mention this a while back
TUMIKI fighters
crazed jap bizzareness...its an old school shooty game , with fighters made up of pastel shaded 3d objects (they look like they're made with DUPLO lego).shooting down bad guys causes them to fall from the sky,if you get your ship in the way they "stick" to it , increasing your firepowe,its hard to describe but very satisfying and a lot of fun.Yes its aboslutely barking but its well worth a download
(and it took me an hour of trawling through the legendary penny-arcade site to find that link)
Finally theres supposedly a compliation pack of the Last Ninja games coming out on PS2 according to the latest retro gamer mag.Details are scant but apparantly the graphics have been updated and its going to sell for a tenner (UK).Cant find a mention of it on the web , or even on the rather extensive , last ninja archives site though........

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