Warcraft Diary 5:..the other side
So another entry , and another months-spanning gap.
Man! I'm so laaaazy .
First up hello to Meushibunta from the Frostwhisper server in Warcraft, who came up to me in-game and mentioned the blog!(and apologies too as I've probably mispelled his name.)
Also I've been told the site shows up in google if you search for "frostwhisper gold", so if you're planning on buying WOW gold with real money, shame on you , supporting Chinese gold farmers is naughty and wrong and makes baby jesus cry.
So whats new?
Well a fair bit..
Firstly I left the guild I was in -Compulsive treehuggers.The majority of them are nice guys (epecially Mooh the leader), but theres an aful lot of kids there now , and I just got sick of the rubbish they were chatting about in guild chat.(I think it was when one guy spammed "disco stu likes disco poo" that I snapped and left the guild)
So I bummed about for a bit and was offline for a couple of weeks doing a few real life bits and bobs , anyway! Eventually myself and my mate Lex decided to form our own guild.An Irish themed one "tir na nog".Unfortunately setting up an Irish guild on a server where theres only two Irish people may not have been the smartest move , so things have been a bit stagnant as of late, I'm thinking of having a bit of a reorganisation in the coming weeks and doing a bit more work on it , or else giving the keys to whoevers online and leaving.
I've also been seeing a bit of Warsong gulch action.
This is an arena where you play against the enemy in teams of ten ,trying to capture their flag.Its more of a sport than a battle , and when the teams are evenly balanced and every one knows what they're doing its a lot of fun.
I've managed to get my character to the stage where I can enter some interesting areas like the Scarlet Monestery(sort of a 'Spanish inquisition' style stronghold).Very big thanks by the way to (may have to correct the spelling here) Domovterg, who led a group of lower level players through the area ,even though he was getting very little out of it , and helped me get a few decent pieces of equipment along the way.Really helped restore my slightly lagging faith in the game that!
I've also set up a new character on a different server , Stormreaver.
I'd been curious to see what the Alliance side plays like (My main character Luas , belongs to the opposing faction , the horde)
Also theres actually a few Irish players there , and its a high population server so theres less of the lull you get at Frostwhisper when theres only 2 or 3 players in your playing area.
I've started playing as a human priest, and since FrTed was gone and it wouldnt let me call him EamonnCasey, I've gone with drbob, appropiately since priests are the games main healers.(The name looks a bit out of place in the medieval setting , so I've come to refer to him as Bob, lets say the "dr" bit is silent ,look it helps me alright! )
The rumours about the more efforst having gone into the alliance part of the game are true.The starting enviroment is a lot more impressive, the NPC's say and do a lot more , and theres specialised quests (I got to heal and buff a NPC ..wow!).on the downside theres constant lag , probably because its a higher pop. server.I've brought him up to level 7 , so I'm going to switch back and forth between the 2 characters.
anyway thats my lot for now.
I've another totally non Warcraft related post due in the next day or two by the way ..
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