Raiders of the Lost Arcade

Dr Bob's blog about modern videogames , retrogaming and Irish gaming in general.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The obligatory "Stuff I like" post

Stuff I like

Shit , its a blog , therefore I have to vent a pointless opinion on things that interest me at the moment dont I?

StarWars Lego(the game).
Genius! take a good (albeit easy) 3d platformer.Add in rakes of unlockable extras, make everything in it Lego, and then attach the starwars licence.Its great crack , and the co-op multiplayer is designed so that a 2nd player can dip in and out without restarting.
its also easy enough so that younger players will be able to handle it with a bit of help.If I had kids , I'd definitely be playing this with them.But I dont, so I'm happy enough to play it on my own.

Robot Chicken:
Y'know the weird surreal bits in family guy?, Well imagine them done with stopmotion animated toys.And then packaged as a sketch show.
Its all that , only better.
And its nuts:
Tranformers -prostate cancer check infomercial?
GI-Joes Cobra crossed with "the Office?"
Se7en reworked with the smurfs?
The evil supervillans carpool?
Its sick and twisted and very very funny.(also God only knows if it'll ever get shown on these shores)

The Riftwar/Serpentwar Books
Yeah they're "sword and sorcery fantasy gubbins", but they're the most damn enjoyable "sword and sorcery fantasy gubbins" I've read in a long time.They start off very small in scope, with a small war between a medevial kingdom and a Asian styled world linked by a stargate like rift between the two , and as the series go on the story gets bigger and larger in scale , encompassing other worlds, other dimensions and actual Gods.Good stuff , a bit workmanlike at times but the whole thing rattles along at a great pace.

Old Gaming Mags
Since it looks like RetroGamer Mag has gone down the pan* , I can at least get solace in reading old copies of Zzapp64 online(select scanned versions and pick an issue)
Also if you were one of the three other people who had an Atari computer in the Eighties, you might find the Page6-New Atari User archive a blast from the past


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