Raiders of the Lost Arcade

Dr Bob's blog about modern videogames , retrogaming and Irish gaming in general.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

the only time its safe to drink and drive..

I was reading the evening herald about 3 weeks ago when I saw , in the classifieds an ad for an arcade cabinet , not just any arcade cabinet either.

You see the ad went some thing like :
"Arcade machine , 1000 games A-Z , upright ,suitable for pub ,cash 50-50 , ring 087xxxxxxx."
From what I can make out from the fairly cryptic message ,I think someone got an old pc , made or converted an arcade cabinet , set it up with mame and downloaded about a ton of roms and then was looking to "sell" the machine to a pub as long as they got to skim off 1/2 the profits
I thought to myself ....

*how illeagal is that!!!
*more importantly why the hell didnt I think of it first
*wonder if theres anyway of finding out where it ends up ?,

As I wouldnt mind drinking a few pints and playing a few old games with my mates (yeah I've game-nights in my house where we do pretty much do the same thing , but it'd be cool not to have to clean up :), )

It does makes me wonder though , why dont the people who >can< do this legally , i.e. the game companies who own the copyrights ,create "greatest hits" machines??...built with AMD chips and linux , they'd be a breeze to knock together'd have no problem selling 'em to nightclubs & student bars and the like ,theres a market there.
Hopefully they'll get the idea by the time I get the capital together to create my great Pub/Arcade hybrid...bringing drinking and old gaming together is one of my great crusades...oh yes...
Anyway the ad seems to have been dropped from the paper recently ,so either he's been busted or else he's offloaded it somewhere..
"ahh outrun with a beer in one hand a steering wheel in the other..."
[dr_bob drifts off into nostalgic daydreams of the old UCD sportsbar]


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