It takes two
I'm breaking one of my golden rules here and talking about my Girlfriend.(I swore not to mention her in the blog at all, but hopefully she wont mind this one case , er......hopefully...... no-one tell her anyway just in case..;)
As you may possible be aware , I am quite fond of games.
My Girlfriend on the otherhand, well, isnt.
When I try to explain to here about my various joystick related exploits, she nods and smiles and pats me on the head like a five year old I probably act like, before changing the subject.She does however have an achilles heel, (Well two actually, although "Achilles heels" sounds a bit like a Greek tranny shoe shop, anyway I'm digressing again am'nt I?) .
Doom , despite hating all other FPS games , She loves ID's classic shooter, and was delighted when I got it working on the PDA.
She also likes Point Blank, the arcade carnival style gun game, where she unerringly picks the gun that works properly and therefore manages to beat me (this has happened on six seperate occasions, it defies logic, but is , of course , the only explanation..;)).The point blank thing seems to be a common girly choice, I'm not sure why , possibly because of the fact you get to shoot little egg headed men?, or the big pink guns?? I'm not sure but I'm going to shut up before I get a smack..
Anyway this has changed recently as I've gotten her addicted to playing Gauntlet:Dark Legacy on the PS2. its basically your typical shoot em up , but with the added bonus that over a
period of time you level up , with your stats and hit points getting better the more grunts you kill.It makes a change to be able to play a game >with< someone as opposed to against them, which is possibly why we play it so much (well maybe once a week , but thats a lot compared to before).Yeah we have had the "you're stealing all the treasure" argument, but thats only because she's faster than me..I need all the help I can get .
We're gradually working our way through , and I reckon will be finished within the month.
Its been that much fun that I've picked up Baldurs Gate:Dark Alliance,(why is there always a "dark?" in the title of these games??)
B.G:d.a : is basically Gauntlet but with more beardy stats.I figure this should keep the fun going when we finish Gauntlet.
Hopefully I can wean her off the console games and allow me to setup a second pc for her in time for Quake IV ;)
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