you're livin' in the past maaan"
The original first Blog entry on '...arcades' first incarnation - Retro-metro a p45blogs site.
So when Bus posted a few weeks back about starting the p45blogs I thought to myself “aha Dr_bob (‘cos I spend so much time posting here I’ve started referring to myself as that, even though I get funny looks from my family whenever I do), aha here’s your chance to rant about video games and the like ”
Seeing as that’s what I spend a fair amount of my precious spare time doing
Alas I was away from my PC for the week ,and when I came back I found those devastatingly handsome and well versed lads over at S.I were doing a much better job than I ever could.
Anyway they graciously posted one or two things I knocked up.
So hooked on the fame, and the adoration of the masses (well really I had two or three replies, and I think one of them was my mum )I was addicted to the whole blog thing and decided to sign up …
So I had to choose what angle to persue for the blog, this took awhile and much debate (well actually, about 10 minutes and the flick of a euro coin)
Since I’m hooked on playing games well past their sell by date , and listening to dodgy 70’s and 80’s pop (I was one of the three people who listened to Sunfm the dodgy 70’s and 80’s radio station),and spend waaay to much time watching old cartoons and cult TV shows , I figured I'd write about them …hence “retro metro“
On the other hand I don’t want this turning into the net equivalent of one of those “I love 1983” shows …so if I start to sound like some B-list celeb rabbiting on about “spangles” ,“Monkey magic” and dodgy eighties clothes, you all have permission to take me out ‘round the back of the shed and shoot me
Right so you are …
…retro eh?
[scratches head]
… that Monkey magic eh ??
Sandy Pigsy, ..That girl who was supposed to be a bloke …I remember sitting in front of the telly of a Tuesday evening eating spangles…[sound of both barrels being loaded ]...wearing my Voltron pyjamas.. ..oooh remember Voltron[BANG!!]
Next time on metro retro ,*
Reviews of “Wanderly Wagon ;the dark years” ,harrowing tales of Judge the dog "chasing the dragon" with Cristy from Aslan , and Sneaky snake , his three in a bed romps with pat kenny and "sweep" from sooty and sweep…
*{or possibly not lawsuits depending]