Age of Weddings
So, I’ve been a bit quiet the past week.
Well hopefully the last entry is a good excuse :)
Herself and myself have been spending the past week doing a grand tour of friends and family with the good news. Also we now get to look at the less "fun" part of the wedding; Organising florists, picking churches, trying to decide which hotel has the least draconian rules on how many people can go to the afters (you'd be amazed, believe me). It’ll all be worth it..(This may become a mantra by next year)
Now normally when I don’t have much free time like this I'll write a blog entry with the pda on the bus journey on the way in.
Unfortunately I've become addicted to Age of Empires on the PDA, which means I've bugger all time to write anything as I'm too busy moving little Egyptian slaves around and getting them to attack other little slaves.
A.O.E is one of those "raise a civilization " games for the PC. There’s been a few sequels and add ons released since on that format.(Dracos currently playing one now , or was anyway)
Anyway some bright spark worked out that it would be very playable on a pda, the stylus doing the same job as a mouse. Plus the aging graphics get a new lease of life on the tiny screen.
So this is the reason I've been getting funny looks on the bus with my frantic tappings and cries of "NO ..dont go there, you want to ....ahh ..NO attack the gazelle!! , look stop trying to hunt the elephant with a bow and arrow..oh now you're dead , great..."
(ok so the controls aren’t perfect)
The only thing is that’s missing is that in the one of the sequels you can play as the Celts, and having a little kilt wearing dude saying "seah" (sp?? I'm sure a gaelgori somewhere will hall me up on the spelling of that )when you move him somewhere is a nice touch...