Raiders of the Lost Arcade

Dr Bob's blog about modern videogames , retrogaming and Irish gaming in general.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

living in the present

So you may have noticed that things have been quiet in retro land of late. Other than the usual excuse of work/trying to have a life/feeding the dog etc , the main reason is that lately ,well,unlike my first blog entry , about living in the past,recently I've been living in the present.
here's a picture of q-bert as there isnt damn well near enough retro stuff today..

For the first time in ages , I havent been lashing through some game made when reagan was still president, instead I've been whiling my time away with stuff like Call of Duty on the PC (a WWII squad based first person game , that "borrows" from stuff like band of brothers and enemy at the gates).I thought about trying to squeeze it in here under the pretence that being set in the '40s is pretty damn retro, but gave up on it as a bad idea to be honest
I've also become addicted to Soul caliburII on the PS2, a pretty much perfect game in that it combines post pub button bashing fighting fun (amazing alliteration!!),with a deeply satisfying (and bloody long) psuedo rpg,which as you play it unlocks new fighters costumes and gamemodes for the arcade game.Unbeatable, although that was what they said about the first one. I was originally going to try and shoehorn in a blog about SoulBlade (soul caliburs grandaddy) ,but I still think of playstation games as being too new (well newish) to talk of as retro gaming , so that put the kibosh on that I guess.
There was a thread over on p45 which featured this website:
which has a compo with about 30 pics of video games requiring you to name the lot .I swaggered in thinking it'd be a doddle, but there was waay too many that had me umming and aaahing,(have a go yourself, I managed about 25).
I'm losing my touch, if this keeps up I'm going to have resign my post as the videogame jimmy magee and hand in my badge and " mr do" T-shirt...sigh... right thats another one for the new years resolutions
:Resolution # 17: play more old games...

Oh and since I'm too late to wish anyone reading this a happy christmas , may you have a great new year :)