..use the forks dr_bob, use the forks..
Hey-dilley-ho gentle interwebsurfer, you may have noticed that the halls of retro-metro have been quiet of late...this is a combination of the gearing up of the insane machineries of wedding preperations that consume our (myself and as Sleepy refers to her "bobette" otherwise known as my better half)
weekends.Secondly I've decided to "get things organised" in work, which basically involves me running around in circles ,flapping my hands and waving pieces of computer around while users look on bemused.Travel time is spent on the previously mentioned AOEppc.
Oh and I've gone and got myself addicted to jedi academy.
I've loved Starwars games since I managed to scrape enough pennies together to play the old arcade one in Mosney(oh yes one day I will own you arcade machine, you will be mine bwahahaha!)
Dark forces, jedi knight,Xwing alliance, Tie fighter,X-wing...er xwing versus Tie fighter, I've played them all
.JA is one of those first person type shooters ,except instead of rayguns and the like you have lightsabers.You can have big ones ,small ones ,double ended, dual..er a veritable smorgasborg of Georgy Lucas's favorite deadly weapon.
Plus, you being a card carying jedi in the game, you get to use the force..ah the joys of shoving a load of stormtroopers off a ledge , or pulling one towards you then throwing a 'sabre through his head ..didnt see alec guinness manage that eh?!!
Unfortunatly after constant hardcore play such as this one eventually see's a slight warping of reality.So far I've found myself frustrated at being unable to pull cans of beer to myself across the table while installed on the sofa, and my force jumping is "weak" to say the least, I managed half a cartwheel before falling in a heap (this was after the non force pulled beers so that may have contributed) My attempt to use a "vader" style force grip on an irate user in work was more sucessful however, as after a few minutes of my feirce concentration, hand waving and eye popping staring ,he looked uncomfortable and shuffled off,trying not to meet my force fuelled gaze..sucess!!
Few more weeks of practice and he'll be floating three feet in the air and gasping like the puny rebel scum he is.....and to think they say playing video games is bad for you...