Warcraft Diary 7:Riders on the Storm(reaver)
So a lot has changed since I last posted a Warcraft diary.
My main character luas has pretty much been relegated to "Alt" and I'm now just playing on the Strormreaver server with drbob, my human priest.
This is partly as the guild I'm in now ronin are a good laugh and all fairly mature (well in age anyway!), and even just grinding away with guildchat on in the "background" is fun.Partly as Stormreaver is a livelier server than FW(although those queues!).And lastly as I actually prefer playing as a priest.It probably says something about me that I'd rather play team games in a support role (I usually pick the engineer/medic in battlefield 42 and vietnam, and the engineer in TFC, ) but I get a buzz out of healing (especially the "here comes the cavalry" last second healing!)buffing and ress-ing.
Playing as the alliance continues to be fun , I'm currently questing in the duskwood area , and its a spooky Adams family style area complete with haunted graveyards and catacombs.I've also done the first alliance instance "the deadmines" - It's better designed than its horde counterpart "the wailing caverns" , I've experienced the "joy" of instance pickup groups as a priest , and its a bit of a pain(no thanks for doing your job, and when someone dies despite the fact that you've shouted out that you've no mana left to heal them , its all replies of "OMFG why didnt you heal n00bx0r etc").I did eventually finish it with help from langerless, zanderwhan, and vazz from the guild though.Next up I reckon is the "stockades" ,and then the "the blackfathom depths"

I also got to be, briefly anyway, the webmaster of a guild site , while the official forums for ronin were being finished , I knocked up a temporary one at www.roninguild.cjb.net , and kept it going until the "real" board was up.So that was a laugh.
Anyway that's all for me , probably be a bit of a gap in posting for a while as my wedding is almost upon myself and G.Its all action stations from here on